
The general terms and conditions, as stated on the website, apply to all offers and orders. We guarantee the usability and soundness of the product. When you have received the item, immediately check whether there are any defects and report this within 14 days.

If the defect falls within the warranty, we will arrange for repair or replacement free of charge.

If the product does not meet expectations, please contact our customer service.

A defective product can be caused by a manufacturing defect and is covered by our warranty. If you think there is a production error, please contact customer service. Any form of guarantee lapses in the event of repairs/changes by third parties without prior permission from Janskes.

If there is a production error, you will be notified about this and we will strive for a suitable solution.

Unfortunately, if the product is defective due to normal wear and tear, we cannot reimburse this. Complaints that we cannot reimburse are:

  • stains caused during the viewing period of 14 days
  • defects caused by incorrect or intensive use
  • excessive perspiration
  • of clothing when washing, we always recommend washing the item separately first.
  • react/release/damage due to the spraying of unknown sprays, or cleaning activities.
  • repairs/modifications by third parties without permission from Janskes
  • shrinkage of clothes after washing.

check the buttons and press studs within 14 viewing days. After these 14 days, there is no longer any guarantee on buttons and/or press studs.

complaints and suggestions

It can always happen that something doesn't go quite as planned. We recommend that you first make complaints known to us by emailing We strive to handle your complaint quickly and properly.

From 15 February 2016 it is also possible for consumers in the EU to register complaints via the ODR platform of the European Commission. This ODR platform can be found at If your complaint is not yet being processed elsewhere, you are free to deposit your complaint via the platform of the European Union.

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